What you need to know about sales tax
Small Business Wendy Kane Small Business Wendy Kane

What you need to know about sales tax

As small business owners, we all deal with a variety of taxes. From payroll taxes to sales taxes, I know it can get confusing! It can be easy to think that because you’re used to paying sales tax, that it is also easy to understand for your business. Many clients discover, however, that sometimes understanding sales tax and how it relates to their business can be one of the more complicated financial scenarios.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common questions I get about sales tax. Most of my clients are in Arkansas, so I will use our state as an example.

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Franchise tax in a nutshell
Small Business Wendy Kane Small Business Wendy Kane

Franchise tax in a nutshell

If you own a business in Arkansas, you likely have an important deadline approaching as the annual franchise tax deadline is May 2. I often get a lot of questions about this tax, including what it’s for and who has to pay so I thought I would go over the basics in this month’s blog.

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Business Functions You Can Do Yourself (and a few you shouldn’t!)
Small Business, Self-employed Wendy Kane Small Business, Self-employed Wendy Kane

Business Functions You Can Do Yourself (and a few you shouldn’t!)

Most businesses start out as an idea or dream by one person or a small group of people. Many of them also start out with very little cash. In an effort to save money, or not spend money since they don’t have any, many organizations will attempt to perform all business functions themselves rather than hiring someone to do it for them.

That could work.

It could also be disastrous.

I want to give you my suggestions for business functions you can do on your own and those that are best left to the professionals.

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5 Ways to Make Things Easier for your Tax Preparer
Wendy Kane Wendy Kane

5 Ways to Make Things Easier for your Tax Preparer

Once the W-2’s and 1099’s are mailed out by January 31, it is game on for tax offices. Since practically everyone needs to file a tax return, they will be working nonstop and overtime from now until April 15 to get as many tax returns filed as possible.

They do carve out time for appointments but it is sandwiched between work, work, and more work. So to make things go smoothly, here are five things you can do to make sure you have a good experience with your tax preparer.

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How to Pay for College with Cash
Wendy Kane Wendy Kane

How to Pay for College with Cash

College is expensive. Very few families have an extra $20,000 to $50,000 lying around each year nor did that many start saving for college while their precious baby was still in the womb. Well, it may not be easy, but here are some tips on how to pay for college without using loans.

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How to Avoid Surprise Tax Bills
Wendy Kane Wendy Kane

How to Avoid Surprise Tax Bills

With the tax return due date quickly approaching (moved to May 17), many people are filing their taxes now. As a small business owner, your taxes are a little more complicated. When filing their taxes, it is not unusual for small business owners to discover that they owe more than they thought they would. This month, I’ll explain how business taxes work and give you two strategies to help you pay the amount of taxes you owe.

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What now?
Small Business Wendy Kane Small Business Wendy Kane

What now?

In this month’s blog, I wanted to talk about the business climate we find ourselves in and list some ways that you can continue being in business while also taking advantage of any new opportunities the pandemic has opened up.

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Should My Business Be a Non-Profit?
Wendy Kane Wendy Kane

Should My Business Be a Non-Profit?

If you are in the beginning stages of organizing, you might be wondering if you should organize as a non-profit or for-profit. Read on to see some questions you should ask yourself before deciding.

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Do you know the difference between a business and nonprofit?
Small Business, nonprofit Wendy Kane Small Business, nonprofit Wendy Kane

Do you know the difference between a business and nonprofit?

Last month, I talked about financial coaching and mentioned one of my favorite non-profits, Freedom Five One. That got me thinking. A lot of people who start businesses do so out of a desire to meet and serve others’ needs. They don’t necessarily go into business to make money. For many people in that situation, they wonder if they should organize as a non-profit rather than a for-profit organization. So this month, I’m going to talk about some unique characteristics of non-profits so that I can help you answer that question.

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Featuring: Freedom5One
Personal Finance, Stories Wendy Kane Personal Finance, Stories Wendy Kane

Featuring: Freedom5One

Freedom 5:One is a faith-based non-profit that helps guide families (married couples and singles) to live a more balanced life through helping get their finances in order. Financial coaching can have an impact on every aspect of life and at every stage of a person’s life.

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